Para citar el artículo: Osorio, R., Sandoval-Almazán, R., &
Purón-Cid, G. (2023).

The objective of the article is to design a diagnostic instrument that allows exploring the use of technologies and identifying the obstacles to a good practice in the online offer of rural-indigenous tourism services.

For this, the study is conducted a content analysis and a comparative study of 3 different web portals in three modalities (private,public and non-governmental organization), dedicated to commercializing rural-indigenous tourism services in Mexico. The content analysis was designed based on the main models, studies, categories, and items identified in the literature on the evaluation of tourism portals applied in these portals in rural tourism in Mexico. The comparative analysis between these cases analyzed the results of the content analysis, and available information of the portals, in order to identify the main characteristics and functionalities of this type of tourism portals. The contribution of this research is twofold: 1. A measurement model for rural-indigenous tourism portals is proposed, and 2. This measurement model is tested in these three tourism-indigenous portals. Some alternatives for improvement and practical recommendations in the sector
are also discussed.

By rsandov

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