Open Government (OG) has become a research trend among scholars and officials in the world. However, most of the research is focused on national or countries policies and implementations, related to OG, very few attention has been made to the basic level of municipalities. We surveyed 67 cases of Mexican public officials working on open government or transparency offices in municipalities across Mexico during 2017. This paper reports the findings of this exploratory research considering to group concepts perception. From there, we use factor analysis to group concepts and identify two principal perspectives to address OG policy implementation in local governments, one oriented to foster technological innovation, and another to promote democratic values of co-responsibility.

Sandoval-Almazan, R., Ruvalcaba-Gomez, E. A., & Criado, J. I. (2018). Municipal Open Government an Exploratory Research: Factor Analysis for Mexican Municipalities. In Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Governance in the Data Age (p. 112:1–112:2). Delft, The Netherlands: ACM.

By rsandov

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